F Fee Payment Schedule Summer 2015 Evening Classes and Day Camps
Tuition for Evening Classes
There are 8 weeks in the Summer Evening Class Session 2015 semester. Total tuition for one 1-hour class is $88.00. $25.00 is due at the time of enrollment to hold your dancer's spot in the class. This is part of your total tuition but is not refundable if you decide not to take the class before classes begin. (Please see the policy page regarding dropping out of classes once they have started.)
Acro for Dance is only 6 weeks long. Tuition for this class is $66.00. . ***For more information on Summer Evening Classes, see the Summer 2015 Evening Class Schedule Page*** Sibling discounts on tuition are available. Please email Miss Robin at [email protected] for details on this.
Fees for Summer Day Camps *tuition for a one-week 1/2 day camp is $88 dollars (includes instruction, costume {t-shirt and accessories}, and snack) *if you choose the full-day option, add $18.00 to the cost of enrollment to cover the lunch hour for 5 days *enroll in as many camps as you wish *enrollment is limited (if the camp your child wants is full, we can put you on a wait list) *$25 [the holding fee] is due at the time of enrollment to hold your child’s spot in the camp (this is non-refundable if you decide not to take the camp) *$63 [the remaining balance] is due one week before camp begins *spots held but not paid for by the due date will be given to students on the wait list and you will forfeit your holding fee
***For more information on Summer Dance Camps, see the Summer Dance Camp Page***